I didn’t think all of these Swiss Chard F1 Charbell seeds would germinate.
I didn’t think all of these Swiss Chard F1 Charbell seeds would germinate.
I overcompensated when the mildew ate my basil last summer. Now I’m the one who has to eat the basil.
Current moonbase setup: Three houseplants (monstera deliciosa, palm, dracaena marginata) and the rest edible plants. I grew too much basil but I don’t need the space for anything else yet. The upper shelf on left has this 48×20″ heating mat which gets up to about 90°F if it doesn’t have air circulating. This is probably too warm for everything except the Monstera.
I googled basil to make sure I wouldn’t die or get sick from eating a couple of handfuls of it. Merry Christmas.
I’m going to try to germinate these. They’re supposed to be hard to germinate. I’m soaking the parsnip seeds in moist paper towels wrapped in foil, and the carrot seeds mixed with seed starter soil over which I poured boiling water. This doesn’t seem like a good idea but it’s suggested in several things I read so why not. It’s just seeds.
Top shelf: Parsley
Bottom shelf: Fennel (back), cilantro (mid), oregano (front)
Buy seeds here of all of these if you want, or from literally anywhere else, they’re not hard to find.
Cut some dill off of my single dill plant today. I don’t know how to use it and have never had it on anything except pickles and fish. It tastes different fresh than dried, and is more mild than I thought it would be.
These are the seeds I used. I bought them in the spring when I googled “easy plants to grow.”
I topped a few of the basil plants to encourage branching. You can eat the basil leaves when you do this. It’s the main thing people do with basil. This is the DMR variety.
I got some LED lights from Amazon (cheap) and borrowed a shelf from another room so I could set more plants on them. The plants at the top get sunlight, the plants below get 12 hours of LED light per day.
The Fennel row of the seedling tray is, as a dog person would say, ❤️Being Moved To Its Forever Home ❤️. The Chive row died in the ass and never grew, which is also a form of forever home.
I dried a few bunches of rosemary and sage from the yard, since it’s getting colder and colder outside. A dehydrator would have worked well, but I hung them up above this mini-dehumidifier since I have it in the room with the window, and that worked fine too. No kids came for candy today because of the global plague and its effects. Happy Halloween.