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Author: drew

Basil Roots

I rooted some sweet basil clippings by sticking them in a glass of water. It worked better for basil than it did for mint. You can grow regular sweet basil inside and it’ll be fine. But at least here, if you put it outside, it succumbs to Basil Downy Mildew, a plant disease first seen in Florida in 2008. You’ll need Downy Mildew Resistant basil seeds if you want to grow basil outside in a humid place like Ohio, or they’ll just grow mildew, and you can’t eat them.

Stolen Mint

A house was getting torn down so I took a few cuttings from the mint growing in the front yard. They always remove the old yard and plant bed and install sod when they do this. I don’t know why. I cut the stems at an angle, and put them in water.

I didn’t use rooting hormone. You don’t have to use rooting hormone, but it helps a plant create roots from a cutting. I just put them in a glass of water.

The clippings all died. It was hairy ass mint anyway. I don’t know what I would have done with it. And I didn’t plan ahead at all. RIP, mint.

Accidental Bell Peppers

I started regrowing green onions by plopping them in a glass of water and putting them on the windowsill. That’s what started all this. That and the pandemmy.

The small, square pots have bell pepper seeds that came from a grocery-store pepper plant. I dropped two in each container, and they all germinated and grew, for some reason.

Black Garlic

I didn’t grow this garlic, it’s from the grocery. I cooked it in a crockpot hooked to a variac to maintain some temperature like 140°F for about three weeks. This resulted in black garlic. I wasn’t able to use it in any food, because it was hard, and smelled kind of bad. So I took a photo of it before throwing it out.


Once it was clear that going to the grocery store would give you The Novel Coronavirus 2, I bought some herbs from the garden store. They wouldn’t let anyone in so I stood outside and got someone to bring some herbs to my car. They included this rosemary, which did well, the sage, which was okay, and the thyme, which didn’t smell like anything.

Apparently, some cultivars of thyme don’t smell. They are “meant for ground cover.” That’s fine, but I put it outside and it died, and the smelly thyme I bought later survived, so it also might not be as good at staying alive.

They are planted in an Isopure Protein Powder jug which I cut in half with scissors.

Green Onions

I regrew a couple of bunches of green onions I bought from the store. Top: April 15. Bottom: April 27.